Return Policy

A full refund, exchange or credit note will be given if the product is faulty, unavailable, or wrongly described.

Apart from this we do not issue refunds. We advise you make sure you are making the right choice when choosing the products you purchase and you enter in the correct information for delivery.

All faults and discrepancies must be reported to us on (02) 91942822. If an item does not come with a warranty, the decision for a refund will be at the discretion of the company.

Postage costs may be refundable depending on the circumstance.

Exchanges are permissible in the event of mistaken size of product or at the discretion of the company. To discuss exchanges please call (02) 91942822 within 5 business days of receiving your order.

Overseas/International Returns

We do not ship outside Australia

If we have made a mistake on your order, please call (02) 9194 2822. We will be happy to appropriately resolve the order.